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Important Updates...

Here are some updates about...
Coding SystemCode DesignationPublisherVersionDomainDownload
International Classification of Diseases - Clinical ModificationICD 10-CMCMS & NCHS2012Diagnosis
Current Procedural Terminology CPT 4AMA2012Procedures - medical, surgical, and diagnostic services
Current Procedural Terminology Grouped CPT 4AMA2012Grouped Procedures
Healthcare Common Procedure Coding System Level IIHCPCS Level IICMS2012Supplies and Consumables
Code on Dental Procedures and Nomenclature (American Dental)CDTADA2011-2012Dental procedures and related services
Dubai Drug CodeDDCDHACurrentDrugs and related
Dubai Service ListDSLDHACurrentServices assigned codes for special cases
PayersPYI-CurrentPayer IDS with DHA
NationalityNAT--Nationality identifier
LocationLOC--Regions in UAE
DenialDEN--Claim related rejection
Benefit PackagesBPS--Insurance packages
Universal Numbering System (Dental)UNSADA2011-2012Universal Tooth Numbering - Observations
ProvidersPRI--Facility IDS DHA or others (DHCC, MOH, HAAD)
CliniciansCLS--Clinician IDS DHA or others (DHCC, MOH, HAAD)
Self-Paid listSPIeClaimLinkV1.0Self-Paid Scheme IDs with DHA