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Codes & Lists

Only registered users can download the below codes!
Coding SystemCode DesignationDomain
International Classification of Diseases - Clinical ModificationICD 10-CMDiagnosis
Current Procedural Terminology CPT 4Procedures - medical, surgical, and diagnostic services
Current Procedural Terminology Grouped CPT 4Grouped Procedures
Healthcare Common Procedure Coding System Level IIHCPCS Level IISupplies and Consumables
Code on Dental Procedures and Nomenclature (American Dental)CDTDental procedures and related services
Dubai Drug CodeDDCDrugs and related
Dubai Service ListDSLServices assigned codes for special cases
Universal Numbering System (Dental)UNSUniversal Tooth Numbering - Observations
Self-Paid listSPISelf-Paid Scheme IDs with DHA
Essential List
Code Designation
Clinicians CLS Clinician IDS DHA or others (DHCC, MOH, HAAD)
Providers PRI Facility IDS DHA or others (DHCC, MOH, HAAD)
Payers PYI Payer IDS with DHA
Nationality NAT Nationality identifier - DHA Identifiers
Location LOC Regions in UAE - DHA Classification
Denial DEN Claim related rejection - DHA
Benefit Packages BPS Insurance packages registered with DHA
Clinician Specialties CSP Specialty list for clinicians within eClaimLink
Health Insurance Intermediaries HIIB Intermediaries in the Health Insurance Business including Brokers, Agents, Consultants, Banks
DSC Locations DSCL Code assigned to the regions in Dubai by the DSC
UN Nationalities UNN United Nations list of countries and areas
GDRFA Nationalities GDRFADN Nationality codes as assigned by the General Directorate of Residency and Foreigners Affairs - Dubai